यस्तो छ पल शाहलाई थुनामा पठाउने जिल्ला अदालतको आदेश | PRIME TIME NEWS

Avatar PrimeTime Nepal | March 24, 2022 107 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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यस्तो छ पल शाहलाई थुनामा पठाउने जिल्ला अदालतको आदेश

#paulshah #primetimenews

Paul shah and under age girl ra*pe case.
Pal Shah's statement: I knew that the victim was minor. But Paul shah denied that he raped it. He is saying that they made love with each other consent. Paul shah is still not accepting that there is a law that minor consent won't count and still get charged against raped. There is no if and but, once they made love with each other, that's the hard evidence right there to support victim's report.

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Written by PrimeTime Nepal