अब फेरि लकडाउन हुन्छ कि हुँदैन ? स्वास्थ्य राज्यमन्त्रीलाई रमेश प्रसाईंको प्रश्न। Lal Mohar | EP- 17

Avatar PrimeTime Nepal | January 26, 2022 130 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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अब फेरि लकडाउन हुन्छ कि हुँदैन ? स्वास्थ्य राज्यमन्त्रीलाई रमेश प्रसाईंको प्रश्न। Lal Mohar | EP- 17
#Galaxy4k #LalMohar #RameshPrasai

Anu Jha
Ranjana Tiwari
Salina Sundas
Sunita Lama

Digital Team
Sujit Luintel
Asmika Rai
Subin Bhandari
Bishal Khadka
Krishna Prajapati

Production Assistant
Sapana Gurung

Music Producer
Rapraveen Shrestha

Subodh Bhatta
Suman Bhandari
Sanjay Dangol
Sujan Adhikari
Pramod Ghimire
Sarad Luitel
Muna Chaudhary
Bijesh Shrestha
Sameer Timalsina
Anil Rauniyar
David Shah
Kumar Giri
Govinda Chaudhary
Shiv Pyar Chaudhary

Avesh muni Bajracharya
Sujan Thapa
Chandraman Dongel
Anil Dhungel
Ema Thapa

Camera chief
Suman Maharjan

Graphic Animation
Bibek Shrestha
Suresh Bade
Shrey Shakya
Niyog Bhattarai

Technical Producer
Luv Karki

Technical Chief
Manish Raj Satyal

Technical Consultant
Bidur Pandey

Rubina Tamang
Assistant Coordinator
Uttam Pyakurel

Visual Editor
Raju Basnet

Prabhat Devkota
Jeetendra Jha
Shivraj Yogi

Program Coordinator / Researcher
Pratibha Rawal Aryal

Deepak Bohara

Ramesh Prasain

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Written by PrimeTime Nepal