Lal Mohar

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Lal Mohar The political dilemma has always been impeding the infrastructural, physical, and overall growth of Nepal. The loyalty and vision of the concerned authorities are a basic prerequisite for any kind of progress. National development by the global leaders towards their motherland, exemplified by some, for example, Lee Kuan Yew from Singapore took an outstanding approach and commitment in development to enable a modern day Singapore.  The lack of commitment and willingness to make amends in the existing system is what’s attracting dishonesty, mismanagement, and corruption in Nepal. All these irregularities attract more anarchy further deteriorating the overall situation of the nation. The main objective of this program is to accelerate projects of national importance and to assist the government to meet its targets by fulfilling the constitutional duty of the general public through the means of the mass media.

रमेस प्रसाईको लाल मोहर लगाउने सपनाको सुरुवात, MCC देखि Wide body सम्मका विषयमा लगाइयो ‘लाल मोहर’

Duration: 00:22 52

रमेस प्रसाईको लाल मोहर लगाउने सपनाको सुरुवात, MCC देखि Wide body सम्मका विषयमा लगाइयो ‘लाल मोहर’ Ramesh Prasai | Lalmohar #lalmohar #ramesh_prasai #galaxy4k Subscribe Us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: ©2021 Galaxy 4K. All right reserved. Unauthorized downloading and duplicating on YouTube, Facebook, or any other media platform is strictly prohibited. (Embedding to the websites is allowed)

नेपाली कलाकार क्रान्तिको बिगुल फुक्ने देखि वीसंगत राजनीतिको मतियार सम्म | Lal Mohar | Ramesh Prasai

Duration: 00:19 163

नेपाली कलाकार क्रान्तिको बिगुल फुक्ने देखि वीसंगत राजनीतिको मतियार सम्म | Lal Mohar #lalmohar #ramesh_prasai #galaxy4k Subscribe Us:… Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: ©2021 Galaxy 4K. All right reserved. Unauthorized downloading and duplicating on YouTube, Facebook, or any other media platform is strictly prohibited. (Embedding to the websites is allowed)